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Data Breach: Your Security To-Do List

根据最近的统计数据,在当今的数字世界中,数据泄露已经变得很常见. In fact, it is estimated that more than 111.每年有700万美国人的个人信息被泄露. Whether it's a major retailer, a subscription service, or another online platform, the risk of a data breach is a reality that we all face.1

Names, email addresses, passwords, 其他敏感信息也被黑客窃取,用于欺诈活动. 这些数据泄露有两种形式:一种是对人们信任的机构的数据泄露, such as retailers and banks, and breaches of entities that acquire user data secondarily, such as credit bureaus and marketing firms. 然而,个人可以采取措施保护自己,并尽量减少违规的影响.

如果您在数据泄露中收到敏感信息被盗的通知, it's important to take immediate action to mitigate the damage. 即使你有良好的网络安全习惯,也可能发生数据泄露. Organizations and businesses can leak data due to human error, leaving your information vulnerable to bad actors.2,3

To help you navigate this stressful situation, 我们编制了一份清单,列出了您在经历数据泄露时应该采取的步骤.

  1. Stay informed: 通过设置新闻提醒或注册受影响公司的更新,随时了解数据泄露的最新情况. 这将确保您了解任何事态发展或正在采取的行动,以解决违规行为.
  2. Understand what data has been compromised: 仔细阅读通知,了解哪些特定信息可能已经暴露. This could include your name, address, email, passwords, credit card details, or even your Social Security number. 确切地知道哪些数据被泄露将有助于您采取适当的行动.
  3. Set up multi-factor authentication: Enable multi-factor authentication for all your online accounts. 这增加了一层额外的安全性,因为它要求在密码之外进行第二种形式的验证, such as a unique code sent to your phone.
  4. Change passwords: 更改所有在线帐户的密码,特别是那些可能已被泄露的帐户. Use strong, unique passwords for each account, and consider using a password manager to keep track of them.
  5. Credit and financial accounts: 监控你的信用报告和任何可疑活动的财务账户. 你可以每年从三个主要的信用机构(Equifax)申请一份免费的信用报告, Experian, and TransUnion.)
  6. Watch out for phishing attacks: Be vigilant against phishing attempts, 在这种情况下,骗子试图欺骗你透露个人信息或登录凭证. Be skeptical of emails, messages, 或电话询问个人信息或指示你点击可疑链接, 避免点击这些链接或通过电子邮件或电话提供敏感信息. When in doubt, 直接通过其官方网站或电话号码与该组织爱博体育app下载以验证请求.
  7. Report identity theft: If you suspect you are a victim of identity theft, 立即通过联邦贸易委员会(FTC)的网站IdentityTheft向其报告.gov. 本资源将指导您完成从身份盗窃中恢复并保护自己免受进一步伤害的必要步骤.
  8. Use strong, unique passwords: Avoid using common or easily guessable passwords. Instead, use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Additionally, 为每个在线帐户使用不同的密码,以尽量减少一个密码泄露时多个帐户被盗用的风险.
  9. Update your software: Keep your operating system, web browser, 以及最新的杀毒软件,以确保您拥有最新的安全补丁和针对已知漏洞的保护.
  10. Limit the information you share: 在网上分享个人信息时要谨慎,尤其是在社交媒体平台上. Avoid posting your full address, phone number, or other sensitive details that could be used for identity theft.
  11. Use secure Wi-Fi networks: 在公共场所上网时,应使用安全、有密码保护的Wi-Fi网络. 避免使用不安全的公共Wi-Fi网络,因为它们很容易被黑客拦截.
  12. Regularly back up your data: To be prepared for a breach or other data loss event, 定期将重要文件和数据备份到外部硬盘或云存储服务.

While these steps can minimize the risk of personal data breaches, it's important to remember that no security measure is foolproof. 保持警惕,积极主动地保护你的个人信息是至关重要的.2,3

经历数据泄露可能是一种压力和压倒性的情况. 按照这个清单,您可以采取必要的步骤来保护自己,并将泄露造成的潜在损害降到最低. Remember to stay informed, be proactive in securing your accounts, and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities.

1., June 15, 2023
2., February 17, 2023
3., July 27, 2023

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